
Saturday, 10 March 2012


This is a new column that will be all bout the news on dancers, dance crews, dance personalities and the whats on events.we got it all.
Starting as off:

News just in from our one and only Harrison Muswahili aka B-boy Harry, a lead event organizer

EVENT: Street Bboy Cypher , A B-boy Street Dance Cypher will be goin down with Kenyan B-boys and B-gals Rocking the Streets with Dance and doubles as a shoot for the all black Bboys trailer!

ALL BLACK BBOYS CREW_This is a crew consisting of all kenyan bboy and whose profile will be coming soon

Moving On

SO WHEN AND WHERE WILL STREET BBOY CYPHER BE GOING DOWN:Tomorrow(Sunday 10th March,2012) from 2pm at Nakumatt Lifestyle. 

B-boy harry must be holding one of the finest record in organising the dopest, most consistent dance events: DANCE UNPLUGGED 1 & 2 and 3 is on the way. He also boosts to organizing WHEELS BACK TO SKOOL and BACK 2 DANCE STREET CYPHER!

And now he brings to you......

TELL ME ABOUT THE EVENT: DANCE stands for Drugs Are Not Cool Ever!!!! Dance Against Drugs being Our theme we wanna let you know that Street Dancing is one of the best forms of entertainment today. This is a Street Dance Showcase and a Campaign against Drugs.

HOW DIFFERENT WILL BE THE EVENT: All Crews have Titles and Reputation in the Dance scene and Industry,Its pros we talking bout,guys that are taking Kenyan Dance to levels that a next to greater levels and heights...... Come prepared to be wowed and amazed by stunning performances from the crews.

WHAT CREWS: Witness Shrink Crew,Wapiwapi, Sisko, S.I.C, Dashy, Jimz & Dimz, Titans Allstars, Black Blingers, B-boy Squad among other Dance crews bringing about their best dance moves and combining various types of wonderful and energetic dance steps together to create new form of dance moves in Street Dancing.

WHEN AND WHERE:  Saturday 28th April, 2012 , NAIROBI CINEMA.

CHARGES:  KSHS.200/= Advance and KSHS.400/= @ the gate. Tickets available at Next(koinange street,Nakumatt Lifestyle oposite is Kemu then next to kemu) and also comment on the blog and tell us your location and we will get you the tickets.


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